How to Use the Private Documents Catalog

The Private Documents Catalog is where you can upload and organize your own collection of documents in the HData Library. Upload your own files here when:

  • The files you want to query with AI are not publicly available and should therefore be kept confidential and secure
  • The documents you want to query with AI are not already available through an HData catalog in the Library

The Private Documents Catalog supports PDF, PPT, TXT, HTML and Doc files.

Getting Started

In the HData Library, access the Private Documents Catalog from the My Catalogs menu.

Catalog Selection

In the Private Documents Catalog, there are three default drives. All three can contain files and folders:

My Drive
Upload and view files and folders that are only accessible to you.

Shared With Me
View files and folders that other users have shared with you. 

Company Drive
Upload and view files and folders that all HData users in your account can access.

Three Drives


Adding Folders

Add a new folder within My Drive or Company Drive by selecting Create Folder in the top right of your view, and name the folder. Folders also support tags for an additional option to organize information at the folder level.

Create Folder


Uploading Files

New files can be uploaded to My Drive, Company Drive, and folders within these environments. To upload files, navigate to the folder where you would like the files to be located. Select the Upload Files icon in the top right of your view. Tagging is also available at the file level.

Upload Files


File Sharing and Permissions

Folders and files can be shared with other users in your HData account. To share a folder or file, right click on the item name and select Share File.

Share File

You will then select from a list of users in your HData account with whom to share the file. Once users are selected, you will see the option to define each user’s permission as Edit, View, or to remove the user from the selection:

  • Users with Edit permission can share, upload, delete, move, rename, or tag a folder or file.
  • Users with View permission can only view the folder or files shared with them.



In the Folder Sharing and File Sharing views, a direct link to the content in the HData platform is also visible to copy and share directly with other users once they have folder or file permissions to access the content.

Sharing with individual users is available from My Drive. To share a folder or file with all users in your HData account, content should be uploaded or moved to the Company Drive.

The right click option on folders and files also allows you to edit, move, download, or delete the content.

The following rules apply to file sharing, folder sharing, and user permissions:

  • When a folder is shared, all files in that folder at the time of sharing or added after the time of sharing, will be available to all users who have access to the folder.
  • Deleting or moving content deletes or moves the content for all users with whom the content is directly shared.
  • When a shared file or folder is deleted, it will no longer appear in the Shared With Me drive for users with whom the content was previously shared.
  • When a folder is created within another folder, the permissions of the parent folder are applied to all folders within it.

Note that options to edit, share, move, and delete a file are also available when viewing the individual file.

File Options


Additional Options

The Private Documents Catalog offers all major features available in the other HData Library Catalogs, including:

  • Keyword search
  • Advanced search
  • File search filters
  • Regulatory AI Librarian

These powerful features enable you to efficiently organize, search, and query your own files in the HData platform.



If you still need assistance with the Private Documents Catalog, please contact